2024 – International Propane Conference Season

Propane conference season is coming soon. Last week we highlighted several upcoming events in the United States.  Because propane is a global commodity, we wanted to also feature some associations and meetings that will be occurring internationally.

2024 – Propane Conference Season

Halfway through winter is usually the time that people start wondering if spring will ever arrive. It’s also the time of year people start preparing for the upcoming propane conference season.

To help everyone get ready for the 2024 conference season, we wanted to provide a brief outline of events taking place from the end of February through May.

Are You Ready for NEXT Winter?

Most of the United States is just starting to emerge from a stretch of bitterly cold, snowy weather. Spring is almost two months away. Why should you be concerned about NEXT winter?

Guyana – A Developing Energy Market – Part One

Guyana is a developing energy market in northern South America. It has the potential to be one of the largest oil and natural gas discoveries in the Western hemisphere. Its growing oil and natural gas production will lead to changes in the global propane markets over the coming decade.

Meet the Team – JD Buss

JD Buss brings a curiosity about new ideas, as well as a sincere interest in other people to his work. He is always interested in hearing from people, even those who hold different opinions from his. 

How to Prepare for a New Year

The start of each year brings the promise of new beginnings as well as the question, “What should we prepare for this year?”  That question is what we’d like to discuss with this post.

Christmas Traditions and Connection

Christmas – like the song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” There are lights, decorations, parties and presents. People make a point of being more kind and giving. Friends and family make a point to connect and celebrate together.

Year in Review – 2023

In the second half of 2023, the Twin Feathers team kicked off a series of blogs and educational studies via our website (www.twinfeathers.com).   As we close out this year, we wanted to give a brief review of four major themes from these posts.

Colombia – A Major Energy Market – Part Two

This week we continue our exploration of Colombia – a major energy market in South America. We take a closer look at the country’s growing usage of natural gas and LPG, their decrease in domestic production of these products, and their increasing need for imports in the near future.

Meet the Team – Matt Adams

With a focus on helping clients find solutions, Matt Adams is all about problem solving! His background of practical experience in energy distribution, logistics and hedging gives him a solid understanding of what Twin Feathers’ clients do and how he can help them do it better.