Part One: Practicing Hospitality with Your Customers

Continuing our lessons inspired by Will Guidara’s bestseller Unreasonable Hospitality, this week we dive into the practice of hospitality with your customers. Prioritizing a memorable customer experience can have a positive impact on your business, setting you apart from others in your industry.

Argentina: un mercado energético en expansión

La creciente producción de petróleo, gas natural y GLP de Argentina ha permitido al país satisfacer su creciente demanda interna de energía y exportar cantidades significativas de GLP a países vecinos.

Argentina-An Increasing Energy Market

Argentina’s increasing production of oil, natural gas, and LPG have enabled the country to meet its growing domestic energy demand and to export significant amounts of LPG to nearby countries.

Part One: Forward Curve Structure

In Hedging 201 we would like to take things a little farther, exploring important topics like understanding market spreads and how using different financial tools can benefit your business. The first topic we will explore is – forward curve structure.

Costa Rica: un mercado de energía limpia y verde

Comprometidos con energías limpias, verdes y asequibles, Costa Rica es un importante consumidor de GLP en Centroamérica. Sin una producción significativa de petróleo o gas, el país depende de las importaciones. Estas importaciones permiten a Costa Rica avanzar hacia combustibles de menor impacto ambiental.

Costa Rica – A Clean, Green Energy Market

Committed to clean, green, affordable energy, Costa Rica is an important consumer of LPG in Central America. With no significant oil or gas production, the country is dependent on imports. These imports make it possible for Costa Rica to move toward fuels that have less impact on the environment.

Part Eight: Conclusion & an Introduction

In our Hedging 101 series, our goals were to provide information about hedging in a way that "Kept Things Simple", while also providing the building blocks to understand basic hedging concepts in action. This post reviews some terms and concepts we’ve covered in this series, and gives a brief overview of where we want to go next with hedging!

Soft Skills Matter – Work Ethic

People known for their work ethic typically demonstrate a high level of commitment, integrity, and a positive attitude. A strong work ethic benefits both individuals and companies, leading to success for both!

Part Seven: Financial Swaps

Hedging 101 has discussed many different strategies to protect against risk, including prebuy, fixed price products, and futures contracts. In this post, we want to look at how financial swaps can reduce risk when a fuel distributor is using a financial hub product.

Chile – Un mercado energético emergente – Segunda parte

El mercado energético emergente de Chile depende en gran medida de las importaciones. Las crecientes demandas de GLP en los sectores residencial y comercial del país, además de su creciente demanda de Autogás, han creado una situación en la que el país es extremadamente sensible a la dinámica del mercado global. El mercado energético emergente de este país podría afectar el mercado mundial del propano en los próximos años.