
Twin Feathers at the 6th International LPG Congress

Twin Feathers will be attending the 6th International LPG Congress in Bogotá, Colombia. This event will look at the role of LPG as a low-emission energy product that is growing in importance on both a national and global level.

Twin Feathers at Summer Conventions – 2024

Propane conference season is in full swing. Twin Feathers will be attending several events this year. We want to highlight two events that our team members will be attending this summer. These events are great ways to get caught up with the latest developments in the industry, as well as with colleagues and those new to the industry.

Colombia – un importante mercado energético – Segunda parte

Esta semana continuamos nuestra exploración de Colombia, un importante mercado energético en América del Sur. Echamos un vistazo más de cerca al creciente uso de gas natural y GLP en el país, su disminución en la producción nacional de estos productos y su creciente necesidad de importaciones en el futuro cercano.

Colombia – A Major Energy Market – Part Two

This week we continue our exploration of Colombia – a major energy market in South America. We take a closer look at the country’s growing usage of natural gas and LPG, their decrease in domestic production of these products, and their increasing need for imports in the near future.

Colombia-A Major Energy Market – Part One

Colombia, a major energy market in South America, has abundant reserves of oil, natural gas, and coal, as well as a large potential for renewable energy. However, the country faces some challenges in maintaining its energy security and sustainability.

Colombia – un importante mercado energético – Primera parte

Colombia, un importante mercado energético en América del Sur, tiene abundantes reservas de petróleo, gas natural y carbón, así como un gran potencial para la energía renovable. Sin embargo, el país enfrenta algunos desafíos para mantener su seguridad y sostenibilidad energética.