Soft Skills Matter: Creativity

Are you curious?

Are you willing to take risks?

Do you embrace ambiguity and some level of uncertainty?

If you answered yes to one, or all, of these questions, then you may very well be classified as a creative individual.

Previously in our Soft Skills series, we explored important skills such as communication and problem solving. We discussed how important these skills are in the energy sector.

Curiosity, a willingness to take risks, and the ability to embrace a certain level of ambiguity are signs of creativity.

woman looking thoughtful against gray background with question marks above her

What is Creativity? defines creativity as “the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas.”   While Forbes says creativity “requires a mindset of curiosity, risk-taking and a willingness to embrace ambiguity and uncertainty.”

Building a Creative Mindset

Imaginationcuriosity and experimentation are three things that help build a creative mindset, along with the simplistic mantra, “practice makes perfect.”


Creating a mental picture of something that does not already exists is imagination. In business (and in life) this is huge! Companies that can envision how things could be will have an edge over those that cannot see past the way things are now.

Coming up with a mental image of what could be possible is only half of the imagination equation. The other half is the ability to know how to communicate that possibility to others.

Creating a mental image of something that does not already exist is imagination.

white outline of lightbulb on black background with idea in white inside lightbulb

One of the biggest parts of curiosity is the willingness to ask questions.

white cat sitting on open laptop keyboard; curiosity - creativity


Did curiosity really kill the cat?  Or did curiosity merely take that kitty to an area it had never known before?   One of the largest factors in being curious is the ability, and willingness, to ask questions and search out the unknown.  Raise questions about how things work, why people behave in certain ways, or what are the reasons for certain practices.  Those questions are based in a desire to know more and drive creative solutions.


Merriam-Webster defines experimentation as “a procedure carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover an unknown effect.”

New ideas carry risks. Companies are all about making smart choices when it comes to risk. So it makes sense that after doing the hard work of generating creative solutions companies should want to test these ideas. In other words, experimentation is the part of creativity where a company sets up a test for an idea (or ideas) to see if that idea works.

Experimentation is the part of creativity where a company sets up a test to see if an idea works.

glass lab vessels against a white background; soft skills matter: creativity

Putting our imagination, curiosity, and experimentation into practice leads to a creative mindset.

woman with braid holding up hand and index finger against white background, image of lightbulb to upper right of woman; soft skills matter: creativity


A mental image can drive a new potential solution.  Curious questions will help properly form that original image.  And experimentation gives a method to see if this creative solution will ultimately be successful.   Doing this process one time however, does not generate a naturally creative mindset.  To achieve that, one must practice.

Creativity Matters!

Will Guidara, in his book Unreasonable Hospitality, emphasizes creativity as a major component to creating a successful business.  The creative process Guidara describes in his book is one that is based on a systematic approach honed by lots of practice.  Creative ideas do not simply jump onto the paper as brilliant, finished projects.  They demand work, activity, and effort.  Putting in the effort to grow your creativity may be a challenge early on but that effort will help prime your mindset for future creative ideas.

Communication, problem-solving and creativity are foundational skills that allow the Twin Feathers team to effectively help our clients make smart decisions every day.  Stick around for future posts that continue to grow our Soft Skills foundation.

Soft Skills Matter: Creativity

By JD Buss