Part Three: Financial Options – How to Use Them

Understanding how a tool works is the best way to make sure we get the most out of it. This post examines how a fuel distributor might use the building blocks of financial options to protect against fixed price risk and achieve their desired margin.

Part Two: Financial Options – What are they?

All businesses face risk. Most businesses want choices about how to manage risk and achieve the outcome they desire. Financial options can be a part of managing risk. In this post, we want to look at the building blocks of financial options.

Part One: Financial Options

If reading about Greek derivatives and math jargon bores you- don’t worry. Many people feel the same way when the topic of financial options comes up. In Hedging 301, we want to explore what financial options are, how they can be used, and how your business can integrate them into your financial planning.

Part Three: Understanding Spreads Helps Assess Hedging Risks

Spreads help "tell a commodity’s story" sharing important information about that commodity that can help a business assess their hedging risks.

Part Two: Spreads

In our first Hedging 201 post we looked at how the structure of a forward curve helps tell a commodity’s story. Now, we want to explore the role a spread plays in helping to interpret that story. What is a spread, and what do they do?

Part One: Forward Curve Structure

In Hedging 201 we would like to take things a little farther, exploring important topics like understanding market spreads and how using different financial tools can benefit your business. The first topic we will explore is – forward curve structure.

Part Eight: Conclusion & an Introduction

In our Hedging 101 series, our goals were to provide information about hedging in a way that "Kept Things Simple", while also providing the building blocks to understand basic hedging concepts in action. This post reviews some terms and concepts we’ve covered in this series, and gives a brief overview of where we want to go next with hedging!

Part Seven: Financial Swaps

Hedging 101 has discussed many different strategies to protect against risk, including prebuy, fixed price products, and futures contracts. In this post, we want to look at how financial swaps can reduce risk when a fuel distributor is using a financial hub product.

Part Six – Futures Contracts

Hedging 101 has discussed using different strategies like prebuy and fixed price products to protect against risk. In this post, we want to talk about another strategy – futures contracts. Come with us as we look at how using a financial hub product plus basis can help you navigate some of the risks of the fuel industry.

Part Five: Risk Policies

Hedging 101 has defined basic terms and given examples of hedging using different tools. In this post, we take a quick detour to talk about the not so glamorous, but necessary, part of hedging – risk policies.